Elementary and Middle School Summer PTA Scholarships
As part of its commitment to life-long learning, the Schaumburg Township Council of PTAs (STC) offers scholarships for summer programs/camps to District 54 students currently in Kindergarten through 7th grade who wish to broaden their education, talents and experiences.
**Please note the parent/guardian must be a current PTA member at the school attended by the child applying for the scholarship.** You can find the English application HERE, and the Spanish application HERE. Please contact the PTA at 331-901-0120 or at: [email protected] if you have any questions or need a paper copy of the application form.
Spiritwear Sale!
The annual Spiritwear Spring Sale begins next week! From Monday, March 10th to Tuesday, April 1st, save 20% across the entire site and explore exciting new designs and product lines. Please check out this flyer for more information.
PTA Hot Lunch
You can order the PTA Hot lunches at: marlaslunch.boonli.com. Place your lunch orders by March 11th at noon for the March 20th lunch from Raising Cane’s and Jamba Juice. Here are our lunch menus for 2025: Keller PTA Lunch menus.
Box Tops
Stock your pantry and earn money for Keller. Please visit BoxTops to find out how to donate to the PTA with the Box Tops app.
Join the Keller PTA
We welcome parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and the community to help support the Keller PTA by becoming members! The PTA membership fees provide funds to help support the different programs provided to ALL students at Keller. Sign up online HERE, or fill out this FORM and send it back to us. If you would like a paper copy of the membership form to be sent to you, please contact the PTA at: [email protected] or at 331-901-0120.
The Keller PTA
Keller PTA Linktree