Chromebook Distribution Expectations

The Chromebook is a laptop that runs on a Google Chrome operating system. The device is meant to be used while connected to the internet. It ensures the safe housing of all files and programs which are stored on the School District 54 system.

  • Allows for simpler student-student or teacher-student collaboration
  • Students will receive quick feedback on work
  • One central location for all assignments and materials to stay organized
  • Engages students and promotes creativity
  • Contains an online calendar that updates when students have something due
  • Continues to be a tool to supplement paper and textbooks
  • The Chromebook is School District 54 property. It is a tool for students to use as instructed by teachers. The purpose of the Chromebook is to help students learn.
  • Students: Handle Chromebooks with care, as you would with anything valuable that needs to be returned.

Students will attend a Digital Citizenship training to learn how to be respectful, responsible, and safe in a digital environment.

Topics include:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Digital Footprints
  • Safe Online Talk
  • Scams and Schemes
  • Online Identity
  • Copyright/Fair Use

Students will be asked to:

  • Take the Chromebook home every night
  • Charge the Chromebook every night.
  • Bring the charged Chromebook back to school every day. Chargers are encouraged to be brought to school in case students forget to charge the night before.
  • Bring the Chromebook to classes as instructed by the Teachers
  • Never put anything between the Chromebook screen and keyboard.
  • Chromebooks should always be in their cases when they are not in use.
  • Do not put anything in the case except for the Chromebook. Anything else will damage the screen — even the charger. Remember, chargers stay at home.

If it is necessary to move while using the Chromebook, make sure the screen is closed, it is carried with two hands, and that it is walked to the destination.

  • When placing the Chromebook in a backpack, make sure the bag is not too full which could damage the Chromebook.
  • Remember to be careful with the backpack if the Chromebook is inside.
  • Chromebooks should never be in the bathroom.
  • Chromebooks should never be in the gym or locker room.
  • Chromebooks should not be near the water fountains or any liquids.
  • Chromebooks should be on a student’s desk/workspace, in a lap, in a backpack or in a locker. They do not belong on the floor.
  • Never leave backpacks unattended when the Chromebook is inside. It should be on the student or in his/her locker.
  • Remember: On you, or on your desk.
  • Students should use the Chromebook only during class and only when they have permission.
  • Teachers may say, “Screens Up” to indicate when the Chromebook can be used.
  • Teachers may say, “Screens Down” or “45 and eyes” to indicate that students need to close the
  • Chromebook and listen.
  • Never have food, drinks, or gum near the Chromebook.
  • Do not modify or harm the Chromebook with any objects, writing utensils, stickers, etc.
  • If something is wrong with the Chromebook, students should let a teacher know immediately.
  • Do not attempt to fix the Chromebook.
  • Students should notify the teacher immediately.
  • Students will be instructed to turn in the Chromebook to the LMC.
  • The LMC will check out a loaner Chromebook to a student while the original is repaired. Loaners may brought home in instances when a repair is occurring.
  • Loaners must be returned when the student’s Chromebook has been repaired.
  • The LMC staff will notify students when their Chromebook is repaired and ready for exchange.
  • If the case is damaged or broken, students should bring the case to the LMC.
  • Student passwords will be created when students begin Chromebook training in class.
  • Students should never share passwords with other students or friends.
  • Remember: Only you and your teachers should know your Chromebook password

Students, your password protects:

  • Your assignments and tests.
  • Your communication with your teachers.
  • You are responsible for internet searches and Chromebook usage done under your ID and password.
  • Teachers and other district staff can monitor everything students do on the computer, in real time.
  • Even when students close windows/tabs or delete an email and search history, all of that information is stored and can be viewed anytime.
  • Student email is accessible by all teachers and other district staff members.
  • A student’s internet history is also viewable to our staff.
  • Teachers can view student screens from their computers anytime they need.
  • Students need to notify their first hour teacher and go the LMC to call home and try to have it dropped off at school. In the event that a student cannot get their Chromebook dropped then they will be without one for the entire day. 
  • The student’s teachers will be notfiied and instruct the Library staff if the student will need a Chromebook for their class. If so, then the student will be given a loaner Chromebook just for that class and then they will have to turn the loaner back in to the library after that class. 
  • It is extremely important that students being their Chromebooks and Chargers daily to school. 

Consequences can/will be issued at the discretion of the administration.

Optional Insurance:

  • Nonrefundable Premium: $25 annually
  • Deductible: $50
  • Maximum Coverage Per Year: $250
  • Coverage Time: One (1) school year
  • Effective Date: First day of school*
  • Expiration Date: The last day of school before summer vacation or the date a student leaves District 54
  • *Payment must be received prior to or when the Chromebook is issued

Fees without Insurance:

  • Lost/Stolen or Unrepairable Cost: $250 per Chromebook


  • Accidental Damage – liquid spills, drops, unintentional events
  • Theft – claim requires a police report to be filed
  • Fire – claim requires an official fire report from the investigating authority
  • Electrical Surge
  • Natural disaster


  • Dishonest, fraudulent, intentional, criminal or negligent (not locked/stored in an unsecured manner, or location) use.
  • Consumables (the USB charging cable and the case).
  • Damage that does not affect the functionality of the Chromebook is not covered. This includes, but is not limited to, scratches, dents and broken ports/parts and port covers.
  • “Jailbreaking” or otherwise voiding the manufacturer’s warranty by altering the software.
  • District 54 is not liable for any loss, damage (including accidental, consequential or punitive damages) or expense caused directly or indirectly by the equipment.
  • Parents/guardians and students must sign and return both the Acceptable Use of the Chromebook Guidelines and the Acceptable Use of the Internet Guidelines (Board Policy 6:235) before the Chromebook will be issued to the student.
  • Students and their parents/guardians are bound by the terms of the Acceptable Use of the Chromebook Guidelines and the Acceptable Use of the Internet Guidelines.