Parking Lot Drop and Pick Up Procedures

Please know that the safety of our students is our top priority. Working together, we can ensure that the students are safe during these times while making sure vehicles can enter and exit the parking lot efficiently. We appreciate your help and support, and thank you in advance for recognizing the importance of ensuring the safety of every student at Keller.

Drop Off Safety Procedures:

Please make sure to pull into the parking lot and use BOTH lanes closest to Bode Road (The lanes that include the GREEN arrows above).

  • Please note, that once you pull into the parking lot and you are driving in one of the two green designated lanes, vehicles are not allowed to pass, change lanes,
    or park in open parking spaces.

Both lanes will be used to drop off students in the yellow designated “student drop off zone.”

  • There will be signs and traffic cones designating the student drop off zone.
  • The drop off zone has been designed for four vehicles to unload passengers at a time.
  • Please make sure to drive all the way through to the BACK of the drop off zone to ensure four vehicles can enter prior to allowing your child to exit the vehicle.

In the drop off zone:

  • Students are to exit the vehicle and walk to the cross walk to proceed into school. Adults will be supervising and assisting the students.
  • Adults will be outside helping to direct traffic and assist drivers in the parking lot.
  • The four vehicles are allowed to exit the drop off zone once ALL the students have safely exited the drop off zone. Once the students have safely exited the
    drop off zone, the four cars will slowly exit the drop off zone, allowing the next four cars to enter, and proceed to the exit of the parking lot.• Please drive slowly through the parking lot and refrain from using your cell phone when driving in a school zone.

Please do not park in a parking space to drop your student off, as this will cause the flow of traffic in the parking lot to slow down and increase the chance of an accident.

Please follow the process outlined above if you are going to drop off your child at school.

Students are asked to only cross Bode Road where there is a cross walk. 

Vehicles are NOT allowed to pass or change lanes once inside the parking lot.



Aerial View of Parking Lot


Aerial View of Keller Parking Lot

Drop Off Zone Area Enlarged