Dear Keller Families,
This past week the students were just outstanding with their approach each day. This was evident from the conversations I had with students and staff this week because the major theme centered on OWNERSHIP. Throughout the week students took the ownership to take the necessary steps to get better, and be better. They focused on doing their best whether it be with testing or in the classroom. But most importantly, the students are putting in the time and effort on a daily basis to achieve success, their goals, and WIN THE DAY!
I truly believe that for our students to achieve their personal and academic goals it requires committed support along the way from their family and teachers. This support is provided daily through a team effort with a TOGETHER AS ONE mentality that builds the foundation for ensuring the success for our students. Please know, I couldn’t be prouder of the team effort as we work to support our students. On behalf of the Keller staff, a thank you goes out to the families for the significant role you play in not only supporting our students and setting all of Keller up for success. Your unending support coupled with the hard work and dedication of our students and staff allows us to truly be WITHOUT EQUAL as a school community.
The end of the school year is fast approaching. As we finalize our plans, I will be providing additional information in the near future regarding end of the year activities, and how families can continue to support and set up their child for success. In the meantime, stay tuned, and enjoy the weekend.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our front office staff or me. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and support and we will work “TOGETHER AS ONE” to ensure the success of our students.
Tom Barbini
[email protected]
Important Dates to Remember:
- May 22: Half-day Inservice – no school in the afternoon for grades K-8
- May 27: Memorial Day – no school
2023 – 2024 Keller Calendar
The 2023-2024 Keller Calendar can be viewed here: This calendar contains upcoming events for Keller.
2023 – 2024 District Calendar
The 2023-2024 District Calendar can be viewed here: Please click on the link for the Spanish version of the calendar.
Keller Junior High Website
Click here to navigate to the Keller Junior High Website.
Keller Sports, Intramurals, and Clubs
Please encourage your child to get involved in our Keller Sports, Intramurals, and Club offerings that take place after school. Please visit our Sports, Intramurals, and Clubs page for more information about these activities. Students must maintain academic eligibility to participate in sports, intramurals, and clubs. For information regarding upcoming dates for sporting events, intramurals, and club sessions please click on the link to view the building calendar on the Keller webpage.
Students participating in interscholastic athletic programs, including intramural sports, shall have an annual physical examination prior to tryouts and participating in any scheduled practice or contest. Physicals are effective for one year from the date of the exam. The physical exam form for District 54 can be found by clicking on the link. For additional information on District 54 Junior High Sports and the Sports Parent-Student Handbook please click here.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal
Infinite campus is District 54’s student information system that connects parents to information. Through Infinite Campus, parents will have access to the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal provides access for parents to information regarding their child including paying fees, viewing assignments, attendance, grades, academic schedule, and teacher comments.
If you currently do not have a Parent Portal account, please email [email protected] or you can call our front office at 1-847-357-6500 and our secretaries can assist you. If you need help logging on to the Infinite Campus portal click here, email [email protected], or call portal support at 847-357-5110. If you have previously created a Parent Portal account and cannot recall your username or password, you can reset them yourself from the portal website by selecting forgot password.
Eighth Grade Graduation
As we approach spring, we wanted to provide an update on the eighth-grade graduation ceremony. We are excited to announce that this year’s event will be held 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 2, 2024 at Wintrust Field, also known as the Schaumburg Boomers Stadium. In order to accommodate all families, we will be limiting each family to six tickets. Students will sit on the field with their classmates, while families will sit in the stands. In the event of rain, we will hold our graduation ceremony on Monday, June 3, at 5:30 PM at Conant High School. A livestream of the event will be posted to the District 54 YouTube Channel for individuals who are unable to be there that day.
Graduation Gowns and Medallions
For graduation, eighth grade students will be asked to order a graduation gown in our school colors and student medallion. Both will be worn by each student attending the ceremony. The cost of the graduation gown and medallion is $22. Families have the following options to make payment.
- Log on to the School Store on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and pay for the gown and medallion via credit card. There is a $2 processing fee so the total charged is $24.
- Send your child to school with or bring payment of $22, cash or check, made payable to Keller Junior High during school hours of 7:30 – 3:30 PM.
- Contact me if there is a financial hardship keeping you from being able to make payment.
Eighth Grade Dance
Keller’s Eighth Grade Dance is scheduled for Friday, May 17, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM in our gymnasium.
- In order for an eighth-grade student to attend the dance, he/she must complete all academic assignments by 4:00 PM on Friday, May 17.
- Any students with a missing assignment in any class will not be able to participate in the dance.
- This dance is for Keller Junior High School 8th grade students only.
- The graduation dance is NOT a formal dance, and prom attire and limousines are not appropriate.
- Students can dress nicely for the dance; however, it is not a requirement to dress up for the event.
- Students are required to be in school on Friday, May 17, in order to attend the dance.
- Lastly, extreme inappropriate behavior could also cause a student to be excluded from the dance at the discretion of the school administrators.
Graduation Practice
Graduation Practice will take place on Friday, May 31st.
- If your child is participating in the ceremony, then it is a requirement for your child to attend Graduation Practice on May 31st.
- Graduation Practice will take place outside and on campus at Keller.
- Please plan with your child for the potential of warm weather on the day of graduation practice by making sure they come to school with a water bottle and sunscreen if needed.
- More information regarding graduation practice will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.
Graduation Ceremony
The graduation ceremony will begin promptly at 12:30 PM on Sunday, June 2nd, at Wintrust Field (also known as Schaumburg Boomers Stadium) 1999 South Springinsguth Road, Schaumburg.
- Graduates should arrive no later than 12:00 PM and report to the small parking lot on the southeast side of the stadium. Families are asked to park in the south lot.
- A livestream of the ceremony will be posted to theDistrict 54 YouTube Channel for those who do not wish to participate in person or are unable to be there that day. All students’ names will be read during the ceremony whether they attend in person or remotely.
- Students will be walking on the dirt path along the first base line when they enter and therefore should wear flat shoes (no heels).
- In the event of rain, we will hold our graduation ceremony on Monday, June 3rd, at 5:30 PM at Conant High School
MAP Testing
Keller will be taking the Spring MAP assessment starting on Tuesday, April 30th. MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) assists in determining your child’s instructional level and measures academic growth from year to year in the areas of mathematics and reading.
The students will test through their math classes on April 30 – May 2 and through language arts classes on May 7 – 9. Please be sure your child has a full night’s rest and has a solid meal before coming to school each day. It is important that students arrive to school each day with a fully charged Chromebook. Please help us in ensuring that students are prepared for these important testing dates.
2024 Personal Assessment of Core Competency Survey
District 54 is committed to ensuring not only the academic success of each child, but also their social-emotional well-being. Similar to this winter, we are asking for your insight as a parent/guardian in creating the most well rounded picture of your child’s strengths and opportunities for growth. To gather your perspective, District 54 sent families of students in grades 3-8 an email link for each child to the D54 Social Emotional Learning Survey on Monday, April 15. Thank you in advance for participating in this survey, as we believe the home-school collaboration is critical to best support your child’s overall well-being. The deadline to complete the survey is May 10.
District 54 Severe Weather Response Plan
In order to help parents better prepare for the severe cold weather and snow we often get during winters in our community, please review the District 54 Severe Weather Response Plan.
PTA News
Here is this week’s PTA
No Food Deliveries Allowed
With a focus on student and staff safety, District 54 will not allow food delivery services (including, but not limited to, GrubHub, DoorDash, and local restaurants) to our schools. We will continue to have hot lunch days, which are planned events, organized and supervised by school or PTA volunteers. However, we will no longer accept other outside food deliveries to keep our schools secure.
Kindergarten Registration
The countdown to an extraordinary journey has begun! Kindergarten registration for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! If you have a child who will be starting kindergarten in August 2024, we encourage you to visit our new Welcome to Kindergarten website and begin registration today. As a current District 54 family, you will register through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. If you do not have your login, please contact [email protected].
After completing the online portion of your student’s kindergarten registration, please call our school to make an appointment to turn in necessary documents. If you can, bring your future kindergartner with you, as we have a special surprise for them! District 54 is also asking for your help in spreading the word about kindergarten registration. If you know of a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2024, please encourage the family to register today by visiting the website. The sooner students enroll, the sooner District 54 will know how many kindergarten teachers we need to best serve our kindergarten class of 2024-25.
McKinney-Vento Act
The U.S. McKinney-Vento Assistance Act defines homeless children as those who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime abode. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the street, cars, parks, bus or train stations, abandoned buildings and other inadequate accommodations may be considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services. Please visit our website for more information.
District 54 Summer Camp Information
Keep the mind and body engaged and moving this summer by joining a Summer of 54 camp! District 54 students can build robots, design a t-shirt, learn a new sport, brush up on music skills, start a business, and so much more! Registration will open in your Parent Portal on Wednesday, April 3, 2024 at 9:00 AM and will close on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 12:00 PM (Instrumental Music due by Friday, May 24, 2024). Seats fill up fast so sign up to be a part of the Summer of 54 Camp family! If you would like more information on each camp and the courses, please view the brochure at the link below:
2024 Summer of 54 Camp Brochure
2024 Summer of 54 Camp Brochure (SPANISH)
Coffee & Conversation: Activities for the Summer
You are invited to join us from 5 – 6 p.m. on April 17 at the District 54 Professional Learning Center as District 54’s Multicultural Parent Advisory Council presents a session for parents on “Activities for the Summer”. Join us as we share information about different activities and resources that are available for students and families in the summer. Translators will be available in Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Mongolian and Ukrainian. To register for the event, please complete a Coffee & Conversation RSVP Form.